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Tripteris nervosa Hutch.

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Tripteris nervosa

Image 1
30 Apr 2018

Tripteris nervosa

Image 2
Flowers and bracts
27 Apr 2008

Tripteris nervosa

Image 3
Seed capsules
29 Jun 2011

Tripteris nervosa

Image 4
27 Apr 2008

Tripteris nervosa

Image 5
21 Mar 2008

Tripteris nervosa

Image 6
21 Mar 2008

Family: Asteraceae
Full name: Tripteris nervosa Hutch.
ID status: Fairly certain
Afrikaans common name(s): -
English common name(s): -
Synonym(s): Osteospermum nervosum (Hutch.) Norl.
Status: Endemic
Description: Alle oder fast alle Achaenen gefluegelt. Zungenblueten zumindest oberseits strets gelb. Achaenen an der Spitze mit einer Hoehlung, diese meist mit drei Fenstern; wenn ohne oder nur mit einem Fenster, dann Pflanzen stets einjaehrerig. Achaenen mit 3 Fenster. Achaenen 9-12 mm lang. Zungenbluetten die Huelle kaum ueberragend. Pflanze einjaehrig, bis etwa 1 m hoch. Blaetter ziemlich gross, laenglich-lanzettlich bis verkehrt-eifoermig, grob buchtig gezaehnt, die unteren gestielt, die mittleren und oberen allmaehlich an der Basis verbreitert und halbstengel-umfassend, druesig-flaumig bis fast kahl. Koepfchen in endstaendigen Doldenrispen. Huellblaetter 10-13, linealisch, 5-6 mm lang, 0.5 bis 1 mm breit. (from Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika, Merxmueller, 1972)

All or almost all of the achenes winged. Ray florets, at least on top, are always yellow. Achenes at the top with a cavity, these usually with three windows; if there is no or only one window, then plants are always annual. Achenes with 3 windows. Achenes 9 mm - 12 mm long, ray florets barely extending from envelope. Plant annual, up to 1 m high. Leaves quite large, elongated-lanceolate to obovate-ovoid, roughly indented serrated, the lower stalked, the middle and upper gradually broadened at the base and encompassing half-stem, dusky-downy to almost bare. Head in terminal umbel panicles. Bracts 10-13, linear, 5-6 mm long, 0.5 to 1 mm wide. (from Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika, Merxmueller, 1972, translated using Google Translate)

Tripteris nervosa (— Osteospermum nervosum): tri- (Gr) "three" and pteron (Gr) "wing" refer to the three-winged fruit typical of this genus; nervus (L) "sinew, tendon, nerve", inference uncertain. Robust, erect annual herb up to 1 m high. Stems few, weakly branched, glandular. Leaves glandular, elongate- lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, becoming narrower upwards; lowest leaves petiolate but bases becoming wider, more eared and clasping the stem more as you move up; margins coarsely and irregularly toothed. Flower heads carried almost erect in flat, much-branched sprays at branch tips; flower bracts glandular, slightly reflexed, a bit untidy, green or flushed maroon towards tips; ray florets short and wide, bright yellow; disc florets tubular, bright yellow. Flowering summer. Seeds carried in drooping heads, with several frilly, membranous, translucent wings along their length. This species often occurs in disturbed soils, and may form dense stands. It occurs in the north-west and the central areas from Okahandja to Gibeon. It is quite showy in flower and when it carries immature fruit. (from Wildflowers of the Central Highlands of Namibia, by Colleen Mannheimer)

Height up to 2 ft., flowers yellow. (from JSTOR Global Plants website)

Growing to 1 metre and sown in spring, cordate leaves are a feature of this attractive yellow flowering indigenous annual.

Tripteris nervosa, Hutchinson, sp. nov.; affinis T. amplectenti, Harv.,sed foliis basi haud auriculatis differt. Herba circiter 0.7 m. alta; caulis simplex, crispato-puberulus. Folia obovato-oblanceolata, subacuta, basi cuneato-attenuata, 5-7 cm. longa, 2-2.5 cm. lata, subchartacea, crasse repando-dentata, prominenter trinervia, nervis parallelis, infra et margine puberula. Capitula laxe paniculata; pedunculi graciles, ael 2 cm. longi, tomentelli. Involucri bracteae 1-2-seriatae, lineares, acutae, 4-5 mm. longae, extra puberulae. Flores radii circiter 12, 1 cm. longi, flavi. Flores disci numerosi, glabri. Achaenia radii ambitu obovoidea, 1.5 cm. longa, latissimi trialata, glabra.

Tripteris nervosa, Hutchinson, sp. nov.; closely related to T. amplectenti Harv., but by no means eared (with a rounded ear-like appendage) differs from the base of the leaves. The plant, about 0.7 m. high; stems simple, crisped-puberulus (having short, curly soft hairs). Leaves obovate (egg shaped)-oblanceolate (having a broad rounded apex and a tapering base, unsubdivided), subacute, base cuneate-attenuate, 5-7 cm. long, 2-2.5 cm. broad, subchartacea (?), thick repand-toothed prominently veined, veins parallel to the margin below downy. Capitula loosely tufted; peduneuli thin as 2 cm. long, tomentellae. Involucral bracts 1-2-bristles, linear, acute, 4.5 mm long, extra hairy. Ray florets about 12, 1 cm. long, yellow. Disk florets numerous, smooth. Achene obovoidea area of radius 1.5 cm long, broad three-winged, smooth. (translated with the help of Google Translate)
Link(s) African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science
Kew Herbarium Catalogue
BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium
Züricher Herbarien
iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer)
iNaturalist (Namibia)
iNaturalist (southern Africa)
Flora of Zimbabwe
Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie
Tree Atlas of Namibia
Content last updated: 18 Apr 2024

Note: The identification of some of the plants on this website is not 100% certain. Any comments will be highly appreciated. I would also be willing to supply higher resolution images upon request. Please contact me at the e-mail address given below.

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