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Monsonia senegalensis Guill. & Perr.

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Monsonia senegalensis

Image 1
12 Apr 2009

Monsonia senegalensis

Image 2
12 Apr 2009

Monsonia senegalensis

Image 3
Flower (pinkish)
12 Apr 2009

Monsonia senegalensis

Image 4
Leaves and fruit
12 Apr 2009

Family: Geraniaceae
Full name: Monsonia senegalensis Guill. & Perr.
ID status: Fairly certain
Afrikaans common name(s): Pienk angelbossie
English common name(s): Annual dysentery-flower, Pink-flowered crane's bill, Pink crane's-bill
Synonym(s): -
Status: Native
Description: Flowers pink with dark pink venations, stamens light yellow.

Prostrate or decumbent, multi-stemmed, sometimes aromatic, annual, 5-30 cm high. Stems , peduncles and pedicels pubescent or pilose with straight erect hairs, rarely with curved hairs. Flowers pink to deep pink, rarely mauve to violet. Single flowered. (from A Monograph of Monsonia L. (Geraniaceae), Venter, 1979)

Prostrate, decumbent or suberect annual herb, branching from a slightly woody base. Stems up to 40 cm long, densely covered in gland-tipped hairs. Leaves sometimes apparently opposite, ovate, up to c. 4 x 3 cm, cordate at the base; margin toothed. Flowers usually solitary, leaf-opposed or sometimes axillary, pink with darker veins; petals often shallowly lobed at the apex; stamens 15. Fruit, including the erect rostrum, 7-10.5 cm long. (from Flora of Zimbabwe website)

Annual, much-branched, diffuse, densely hairy with patent, white hairs; leaves on longish petioles, ovate or cordate, toothed and plaited; stipules membranaceous, lanceolate; peduncles 1- or rarely 2-flowered, short; sepals with a reflexed mucro; petals not much longer than the calyx, emarginate. (from JSTOR Global Plants website / Flora Capensis)

Annual prostrate to decumbent or sometimes somewhat erect herb, branching from the often woody base; stems up to 4 dm. long but oftenshorter (sometimes fruiting at a height of only 7 cm.), frequently with short alternating lateral shoots in one of the axils of the apparently opposite leaves; internodes 0.5–4(–6.5) cm. long; vegetative parts, peduncles and pedicels more or less covered with short patent or somewhat recurved often gland-tipped hairs. Leaves alternate but at every node a leaf is apparently opposite a shoot; lamina ovate in outline, 0.9–4 cm. long, 0.4–2.5(–3.5) cm. wide, acute at the apex, margin serrate or dentate to repand-dentate, the base cordate; petiole 1.2–4.5 cm. long; stipules acicular to subulate, 3–10(–12) mm. long. Inflorescence usually of solitary axillary flowers; peduncle 0.5–2 cm. long, leaf-opposed or in the axil of the smaller of the 2 apparently opposite leaves, often on stunted axillary branches; pedicel 1.8–4 cm. long; bracts 1–2 per pedicel, linear, 5–15 mm. long, 0.5–1 mm. wide. Sepals narrowly oblong-elliptic, with an acicular 1–2 mm. long apical appendage, 6–12 mm. long, 1.5–3.2 mm. wide, densely silky pubescent with long glandless patent hairs mixed with the glandular ones. Petals obovate, 9–12 mm. long, 5.5–7.8 mm. wide, the apex truncate or sometimes shallowly lobed, pink with dark veins. Stamens greenish-yellow; filaments 4.8–6.5 mm. long, pubescent; anthers 0.8–1 mm. long, 0.7–0.8 mm. wide. Extrastaminal glands ovate, sometimes with only the lateral rims clearly visible. Ovary densely woolly; stigmas clavate, 0.8–1.2 mm. long, pubescent on the outer surface. Fruit 7–10.5 cm. long; mericarps 8.5–10 mm. long, 2.2–2.5 mm. wide. Seeds 5–5.5 mm. long, 1.5–2.4 mm. wide; testa minutely reticulate, pale brown. (from JSTOR Global Plants website / Flora of Tropical East Africa)
Link(s) African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science
Kew Herbarium Catalogue
BGBM Berlin-Dahlem - Virtual Herbarium
Züricher Herbarien
iNaturalist (Namibia / Alex Dreyer)
iNaturalist (Namibia)
iNaturalist (southern Africa)
Flora of Zimbabwe
Fleurs de notre Terre - Galerie Namibie
Tree Atlas of Namibia
Content last updated: 18 Apr 2024

Note: The identification of some of the plants on this website is not 100% certain. Any comments will be highly appreciated. I would also be willing to supply higher resolution images upon request. Please contact me at the e-mail address given below.

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